Monday, April 25, 2005

Viewer demand

That's right. Due to such a high amount of viewer demand I'm proud to present yet another installment in the Suicidal Donkey Company Comics.

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Four frames! Next they'll be publishing 10,000 word essays on the popularity of Times New Roman within the Latvian medical community.



Andrew said...


I eagerly await character development in this comic.

Toria/Deb said...

Nice use of colour in the hair, Osmo! It's a good one. MORE, MORE, they cry :) Ah well, thanks for listening to my clamouring. Now, go read my rants and raves and b'ing and c'ing LOL......Life is too short to do much of that.

Kate said...

I really liked this one... I actually did "laugh out loud" when I read it. ;)