Now who wouldn't be flattered by a compliment like that. I mean, I was...
All I want to know now is who is being quoted as saying that.
I have my theories:
- Alfred Hitchcock [spoken to Janet Leigh on the set of Psycho.]
- John Landis (Director of the Michael Jackson music video Black or White)[spoken to Michael after he became paranoid that his nose looked to artificial in the video.]
That's really all I've got...
Excellent to have a picture, it is good to see real life events documented in delicious low fat blogular form. I do recall that booth's quote with fondness, though alas i did not photo myself.
I dare say the whole "you look good in black and white" is actually not so far off... less detail, less 'flaws', but the imagination is left to recreate the face but whats likely to be a postive way.
personally, I love black and white photos. there is not enough of them these days if you ask me.
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