Monday, April 04, 2005

That time again

Yes. That's right. It's approximatley that time of the month again. I'm pleased to present yet another comic from the highly intellectual minds of the Suicidal Donkey Company.

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Wow...another great piece of legitimate entertainment.



Toria/Deb said...

Well, the code of conduct of comics is that the left guy always gets to talk first. Nice one and good effort. I'll look forward to the next one ;)

Andrew said...


Toria/Deb said...

Hey Osmo! I want more comics :) Where are the comics? Cheer! Cheer! Cheer!

Dave said...

Well, I could publish the SDC comics in shorter intervals, but I won't.

While you wait another month for the next comic (somewhat ingeniously titled 'Colour') try out a few other great internet comics. One of my favorites: Goats