Monday, March 21, 2005

"All the things that make us laugh and cry"

Yes! That's right! Family Guy is returning. After being cancelled but selling way OUT (and I mean way way out) in the DVD department, FOX has decided to 'uncancel' Family Guy!

Editor's note: For readers that are unaware of what Family Guy is please do some research - I can't be bothered doing it for you.

Sunday, May 1st 2005 is the day you want to remember. 9 pm - the time. FOX - the "iffy" network. Unfortunatley, for me, however, it will probably take quite a while for the new season to come through to Australia. But it will return!


Post Script: Don't think that because I've posted two days in a row that you'll be getting another post tomorrow - or even in the next week. You'll could be slightly dissapointed if you do.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

"Don't think that because I've posted two days in a row that you'll be getting another post tomorrow - or even in the next week."

too true.

and yay for family guy