Sunday, January 30, 2005

Courses for Horses

Currently listening to:
Fifty-fifty by Frank Zappa
- I've just started listening to Mr. Zappa and I've found his own, personal blend of humourous, sarcastic lyrics and auditory goodness quite, as the name suggests, good. And of course, I can't go past the fact that he apparantley wrote one of my favorite Sesame Street songs - It's the one that counts up to 12. Just the numbers, no other confusing clap trap. I believe the visuals complimenting the song were reminiscent of a pinball travelling through a pinball machine hitting all the numbers as they were sung, but that's something for you to find out.


I've been away for a week and I went horse riding for the first time in about 6 years. For anyone who hasn't been horse riding in their life, you have to do it. [This is the part where I get all 'obsessed' over horses] Horses are so wonderful - to use a well used phrase: Horses are magnificent creatures. Friendly, yet timid and they all have their own personality.

I'm gonna make sure I go horse riding one a year now. Just thought I'd let you all know that - plus, if it's in writing for the whole world to see there's more of a chance I'll do it.

Can't think of much else to write so I'm gonna finish. <--- there.


Tuesday, January 18, 2005

How expected.

Currently listening to:
The sudden onset of the garden sprinklers.
- No. It's not the title of a song. Although it would be pretty cool. I've got to write it down. Wait...I already did.


Osmo Is 18 Years Old
According to the 'What Age Do You Act' Quiz
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.


Let's discuss the results.

I am a teenager at heart as well as in physical embodiment.

Although the 'What Age Do You Act' quiz is clearly a planned and highly researched test of the inner workings of the quizee's* brain I would like to know what their sources on their information is. I'm sure I don't question authority. At all. Never.

Now to the "finding my place in the world" bit. I'm not even going to start there. It's way too philosophical and full of metaphorical innuendo for me to even bother - the fact is I'm just too lazy.

Enjoy the quiz!


*quizee may or may not be a proper word.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005


Currently listening to:
Main Theme from Twin Peaks by Angelo Badalamenti
- Twin Peaks. One of the greatest TV series ever made. Angelo Badalamenti. One of the greatest composers ever created.


Well, let's just say that I am the most excited that I've been in a long time and it's all because of the new Tim Burton (Edward Scissorhands, Big Fish) celluloid creation Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Yes! But no! It's not a remake of the 1971 musical movie starring the ever brilliant Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka, but a brand new movie, this time, with Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka.

The trailer is so wonderfully enjoyable that I want it to come out now!

See the Internet Movie Database page here and also check out the trailer! You must! You just must!

That's it for now...I just had to let you all now how excited I am.
